
Our community

At CSRD.org, we’re on a mission to unite impact-driven enterprises and motivated businesses to call for a more ambitious and transformative CSRD. By joining our campaign, you gain access to a supportive community, valuable resources, and opportunities for collaboration. Our platform will offer a wealth of resources, including webinars, guides, and best case practices, designed to aid businesses in becoming the change they seek.

Our achievements

We’re proud to have already made significant strides towards our goals. With the support of over 9000 impact-driven businesses, we’ve jointly sent a letter to the European Commission advocating for stronger CSRD. Additionally, our influential partnerships with organizations like B Corp and the True Price Foundation highlight our credibility and influence in the sustainability reporting landscape.

Ready to make an impact? Join us today and become part of the movement for change. Whether you’re signing up for updates, participating in events, or engaging with our resources, there are countless ways to take action and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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